Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 17, 2016 | Pastor John Bayles | The Hearty Greeting | Galatians 1:1-5

"Good morning." "It's a beautiful day." Or a more dated greeting "Top of the morning to you!" These are all common greetings we give even to strangers each day. They are meant to produce a sense of cheer and fellowship with others. In contrast, though the words are equally as cheerful and beautiful, Paul gives the full substance of his calling, ministry and message to the Galatian church. After we analyze all of his words and phrases, we will recognize much more than a simple greeting, presented to cheer or encourage the hearer.

Paul’s life had been so radically transformed, as ours too has been, by the work of the Holy Spirit, that his life has become his message. And, it is not Paul's own message that he presents. It is the message of the One Who sent him and the One Who is with Him. It is a person Who is the living substance of the message that Paul brings, Jesus Christ the righteous.

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January 17, 2016 | Pastor John Bayles | The Hearty Greeting | Galatians 1:1-5

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