Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 25, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | The Power of Unity | Philippians 2:12-19

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March 25, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | The Power of Unity | Philippians 2:12-19

The Power of Unity
Philippians 2:12-19

In this text the Apostle Paul turns from the principle section of the letter to the practical. Theology or orthodoxy must be active. We cannot simply be hearers, or knowers the truth, we must finally be doer of the truth. As Gordon Fee, on of my dear professors at Gordon-Conwell said often, “The final task of Exegesis is obedience!” The world will not judge us by what we know, but by what we do. Jesus said, “You are my witnesses” (Act.1:8), not “you are my theologians.” This of course is not an argument for setting aside sound Theology and Orthodox Scriptural teaching – these lead us to the truth of how we ought to live. But they are married to one another as the Psalmist said, “10 Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. 11 Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven” (Psalm 85:10, 11). Paul’s message to us here is that our unity in the Faith is our greatest witness to the world.