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The introduction of today's sermon will briefly deal with three of the five theological distinctives that arose from the Reformation. The main subject matter of the sermon will be a biographical sketch of Martin Luther's life. It is my hope that as we trace Luther's life from his birth through the adult years of his life, we will gain a richer understanding of the significance of his life and ministry and the impact he had upon the history of the church. Though his life certainly was not without flaws, it was the providential will of God to use this "earthen vessel" to rediscover and bring into sharp focus "the righteous shall live by faith" (Romans 1:17). This was the truth that ignited his soul by God's sovereign grace. This spiritual truth brought him from death to life in Christ Jesus. It was this truth that was the spark that set the Reformation ablaze. Today it remains foundational for the church, "the righteous (those who are justified before God and drawn into a loving union with God) shall live by faith" (faith alone) in the redemptive and atoning work of Christ on the cross.
The sermon closes out with a scriptural application concerning righteousness and the believer's standing before God.
May you find encouragement to your faith as we now reflect together upon this man of God, Martin Luther.