Often the best blessings we possess are ones which are easiest to overlook. In the first chapter of the Book of Colossians, the Apostle Paul gives an amazing insight into the grace of God in redemption. While doing so, he gives a casual salute to the pastor/teacher that he left in the church in Colossia who faithfully preached the message of grace that Paul had preached to him. Paul states: "You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant" (Col.1:7). In Philippians 1:23, Paul identifies Epaphras as "a fellow prisoner" and later in Collossians 4:12 Paul calls him, "one of you." Other than these references he is a forgotten man.
What is important to see is that the man himself is not the key, but the message of the man is what transforms lives and brings fruitfulness to the church. It is true that we appreciate and honor pastors today. But the greatest honor is shown to pastors who, like Epaphras, decrease and the wonderful message of grace increases in their ministry of the word of God.
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October 23, 2011 | Jerry Banks | The Forgotten Minister of the Word of God (Colossians 1:3-12, Isaiah 40:10-26)
October 23, 2011 | Twinbrook Community Church | Pastor Appreciation
I was so very blessed by the many wonderful expressions of appreciation to me as your pastor and friend. Truly my heart overflows with thanks for you all also. God is building a beautiful expression of His body here in Twinbrook Community Church. I am especially blessed by the vision that we see together of an advancing Kingdom clarified by the living word, Jesus and His living Word, the Scriptures. I have enjoyed the journey thus far and look forward to the continued pursuit of His amazing grace.