As stated last week, a key to understanding any given text is to first understand the context, both historical and literal, in which it was written. Today's sermon will focus on the three players appearing in Paul's letters to Timothy. We see Paul's own struggles, sometimes stated clearly, sometimes coming out from the shadows of his comments, but always powerful and instructive. Paul's exhortations to Timothy are what every one of us would desire to receive from a mentor, a wise parent, or a more seasoned Christian friend.
Personal lessons, practical and everyday, are merged with instructions and warnings for his young protege's ministry. In addition to Paul's concern for Timothy himself, the apostle presents a strategy for undressing those in Ephesus who are coming against Timothy and Paul, and especially the Gospel that Paul delivered to them. Here we discover the hard teachings, yet ones that if heeded will both purify and invigorate the life of the church and those within its covering. One need not stretch his/her ears too far to recognize how the letter applies to each of us today. As we fly over the landscape of these two letters, let us listen and also heed the purifying words of the apostle today.
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January 15, 2012 | John Bayles | Paul, Timothy, False Teachers, and False Teachings (1st & 2nd Timothy)
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