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March 12, 2017 | Pastor John Bayles | The Context of Christian Maturity | Colossians 1:9-14
The Apostle Paul is writing to a church he has never visited and to a person he has never met. Though this may seem quite unusual, it does not reflect the full picture of the relationship. The church is Colossae was founded as a result of Paul’s earlier teaching during the establishment of the Church in Ephesus (Act.19:1-10). Epaphras, mentioned in verse 8, was likely a convert of that campaign and now, after several years, has planted a church in Colossae. Into the ministry has come efforts by false teachers to spin the message of the Gospel to their own ends. There is nothing better to address error than presenting the truth. A mentor of mine years ago said to me, “Don’t preach the problem, preach the truth!” I believe the source of his counsel was the scriptures, for this is consistently the tactic used in the Bible. There is nothing that shuts down error faster than the teaching truth. In today’s text Paul will turn from presenting characteristics of Christian community to characteristics of the individual believer. The goal of this sermon is to reflect upon a proper response to suffering, trials and reversals. We are citizens of God’s Kingdom. As a result, not matter what adversity the world may present, we are equipped to endure them with patience and thanksgiving under the supervision of the Holy Spirit.
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