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September 24, 2017 | Pastor John Bayles | The Prayers of St. Paul: Asking for Wisdom, Revelation, Calling and Power | Ephesians 1:15-23
The Prayers of St. Paul: Asking for Wisdom, Revelation, Calling and Power
Ephesians 1:15-23
In this passage the Apostle Paul is absolutely filled with thanks, wonder and praise. The Gospel is real. It is filled with its own substance, the completed work of Jesus Christ through His utterly righteous life, His deep suffering, His violent death, His powerful resurrection, His glorious ascension, His majestic session and His by dispatching, with the Father, the Holy Spirit into the world to regenerate His redeemed, so that they might preach the Gospel and thereby participate in the full gathering of the elect. What we need is wisdom, revelation, calling, and power. The Apostle knows that only God can provide these powerful tools to the life of the believer. He is both captivated by what God has already done in the lives of his audience (the Ephesians and us) and he is equally motivated to pray that they will finish the course, the calling to which God has set them apart. Let us listen and receive the marvelous treasures of Paul’s prayers today.
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