Sunday, January 28, 2018

January 28, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | The Joyful Hope | Philippians 1:20-26

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January 28, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | The Joyful Hope | Philippians 1:20-26

The Joyful Hope
Philippians 1:20-26

Joy is the product of Paul’s assurance to the Phillipian church that he is more than safe in Rome. Ultimately, by the strength of their prayers and the presence of the Holy Spirit of Christ, His circumstances have brought him into the very bowels of the imperial palace. His imprisonment has given him the unique opportunity to preach the Gospel to the entire Praetorian guard and the word of this has spread throughout the entire imperial network. Paul is filled with joy over what has taken place in his recent past.

And Paul continues to be filled with joy because his heart is set on a continued deliverance with the view toward even returning to Philippi and coming into reunion with his dear friends, sharing the victories of the past and pressing on to even more fruitfulness of the Gospel in the future. But Paul’s trial and final sentence by Rome is the Elephant in the room. He goes on in today’s text to carefully express his joyful hope for an ultimate reunion with the Philippian believers, weather in this life or in the life to come.

For video: click here.

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