Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 18, 2019 | Pastor John Bayles | Instructions for Discipleship, Then and Now | Mark 6:6-13

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August 18, 2019 | Pastor John Bayles | Instructions for Discipleship, Then and Now | Mark 6:6-13

The Cost of Discipleship Mark 6:6 to 6:30

Instructions for Discipleship, Then and Now
Mark 6:6-13

     No disciple can passively stay at the feet of his Master. A true disciple must take up the calling and mission of his master. In his synoptic parallel Matthew gives the key to discipleship: “8 Freely you have received; freely give” (Mat.10:6-8). Truly the strength of discipleship is found in duplication. The disciples were called by Jesus, heard His teaching and marveled at His person and powerful acts. Mark does not outline new techniques or teaching for the disciples to perform. Everything Jesus tells His disciples to do, He has modeled. What they gained was not their own personal message and power. Their strength was that they were going to do what Jesus had done, yet not with their own authority, but His. They were being sent to give what they had received. Mark shows Jesus sending out His disciples to duplicate His mission. Later Mark features their return to report to Jesus the successes of their journeys. In between these two events, Mark will present the martyrdom of John the Baptist, Jesus’ first and finest disciple. Using these three events together Mark will show the cost of discipleship. Let us pay attention as we too are being called to go into our mission field today. May the Holy Spirit take the instructions of these passages and forge us into disciple Jesus Christ.

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