Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 21, 2013 | John Bayles | Piercing The Darkness (John 1:3-14)

Step-by-step, this is John's method. Thus far we have learned that there is some person, place or thing called the Word. And, the Word was already in existence when the world was created. And that the Word is God. Today John continues the revelation: we discover that the Word has gender, a unique role in creation, and is the source of life and light, not only to those who are redeemed, but to all mankind. Piece by piece, John reveals the Word in a progression from heaven to earth. And not just into the earth, but into a unique relationship with a man, Jesus of Nazareth.

Today we will find that the man Jesus was no ordinary man. We will also find that with the human nature of Jesus, the Word came to share a redemptive life experience. This is the mystery of the incarnation (in flesh) that is the divine genius of God the Father through which a sacrifice is prepared: whole, unblemished, and acceptable for the redemption of His people. This God-man, this redeemer has now come piercing the darkness of fallen humanity with a message and an ability to redeem it.

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July 21, 2013 | John Bayles | Piercing The Darkness (John 1:3-14)

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