In this third discourse, John returns to the content of his opening prologue: namely the nature of the Word, the Son of God. This is much more than a man claiming to be God in some independent way from the established revelation of Scripture. The Jewish authorities were hoping that Jesus would simply say that He was a new God. This would be a clear line to a charge of blasphemy. However, He is awakening his hearers, His sheep, those who will hear and believe, to the very reason for His coming.
Jesus is opening up a wholly new line of revelation. He is not breaking the first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). He is not claiming to be another God. He is presenting a revelation of the full nature of the Godhead. He is revealing and declaring that He, Himself, the Word of God is a unique part of its unified, eternal, unchangeable, inseparable nature.
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March 20, 2016 | Pastor John Bayles | Palm Sunday: The Inseparable Unity | John 5:16-30
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